Blog posts


Thoughts on the economics of COVID-19–Part 2

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Mike Tubbs and I have written our thoughts on recent Fed actions as well as bail outs. We discuss negative interest rates, unconventional monetary policy, joint Treasury/Fed actions, and corporate bailouts. You can get the pdf here.

Thoughts on the economics of COVID-19

less than 1 minute read

If you are like me, you have probably found it difficult to focus on anything besides the ongoing pandemic. I started writing out my thoughts on the economic response to the virus to try to productively point my distraction towards something. I figured I may as well share it with the world. Note that I have been working on this post over the course of the last week, so aspects of it are already outdated. You can get the pdf here.

Is there an on the run premium in TIPS?

less than 1 minute read

This paper analyzes on-the-run securities in the TIPS market by comparing pairs of these bonds with identical maturities, but separate vintages. We find a small, and positive premium. You can read the working paper here.

Bond Flows and Liquidity: Do Foreigners Matter?

less than 1 minute read

We study the effects of changes in the foreign-held share of Mexican sovereign bonds on their liquidity premiums. We find that recent increases in foreign holdings of these securities have played a significant role in driving up their liquidity premiums. The working paper is available here.